Young People’s Information booklets explaining changes to SEN Support

The Council for Disabled Children (CDC) has worked with the Department for Education to write two guides for young people who would like to know more about the draft 0-25 SEN Code of Practice and who would like to respond to the Government’s consultation.  One guide is for young people who are under 15 years and the other guide is for young people who are 16-25 years old. The guides give more information about the key issues discussed in the draft Code of Practice.

The Code of Practice is a guide to tell local authorities what they need to do to work within the law and provide support for students with Special Educational Needs.  The Government would like young people to tell them what they think of the draft Code of Practice by responding to their consultation.

If you are a young person and would like to respond to the draft Code of Practice you can find the response form on the Department for Education website (  There is one form for young people who are under 15 years and one form for 16-25 year olds. 

You can also get in touch with EPIC , the Department for Education’s young people’s advisory group to share your views.