Parentalk, a ‘Care for the Family’course

Note: This is a daytime course                                                                  

Parentalk, is a ‘Care for the Family’course, that aims to support parents with essentials topics in parenting children up to early teenage years. From dealing with feelings of isolation, showing love and communicating, boundaries and battles, through to growing independence in children.

The course consists of watching DVD material and group discussion – it is a gentle yet powerful course that gives ideas to strengthen relationships between parents and children.

The course has 6 x 2-hour sessions that will take place every Tuesday from 10am until 12noon, from Tuesday the 15th September 2015 until Tuesday the 20th October 2015 (inclusive). The Parentalk Course will take place at the Kingfisher Treasure Seekers building, 52 Westgate Street, Gloucester GL1 2NF (enter through the main shop entrance). The total cost of the course will be £6.00 total per person, which will cover refreshments and all materials for the course.

To book a place on the course, or for further information, please contact Gill Parkinson (Course Facilitator), Kingfisher Treasures Seekers by telephone on  01452 228489,  email, twitter @KFTSeekers,  Facebook /KFTreasureSeekers, or visit the Kingfisher Treasure Seekers web site at Should people have access or specific needs, or require further information, then please contact Gill Parkinson.