Time Out For Parents: with Children with Special Needs

Note: This is an evening course                                                                

 Time Out For Parents: with Children with Special Needs is a ‘Care for the Family’ licensed course for parents with children with special needs aged 3yrs to 11 yrs; it will give practical  and jargon free advice and practical steps for parents to engage and build relationship with their children with special needs.

 The course has 7 two-hour sessions from Wednesday 14th October 2015 and then every Wednesday through to Wednesday 2nd December 2015 (excluding 28th October), 7.30-9.30pm. The course will take place in the Creative Arts Room, upstairs, at the Kingfisher Treasure Seekers building, 52 Westgate Street, Gloucester GL1 2NF (enter through the main shop entrance). The cost for each person attending the course is £14.00 total, which is to cover the course’s information material.

 To book a place on the course, or for further information, please contact Gill Parkinson (Course Facilitator), Kingfisher Treasures Seekers by telephone on  01452 228489,  email gill@kftseekers.org.uk, twitter @KFTSeekers,  Facebook /KFTreasureSeekers, or visit the Kingfisher Treasure Seekers web site at www.kftseekers.org.uk. Should people have access or specific needs, or require further information, then please contact Gill Parkinson.